
February 2020
by Dr. Aaron Levy Climate change and air pollution affect everyone. But children, the elderly, and those with chronic illnesses like asthma are most vulnerable to the negative consequences. We often can’t see the impact air quality has on children’s health, making it challenging to explain. As a pediatrician, I seek to make the issue...
ClearAIRE NC school education
by Jessica Jones “We are a community of learners, who through relationships are building awareness of environmental, racial, social, and economic inequities. This knowledge inspires us to serve with our communities to advocate, to heal, and to ‘lift as we climb.'” I have the privilege of exploring science with the most passionate, curious group of...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 20, 2020 MEDIA CONTACT Andrew Whelan Clean Air Carolina (919) 408-7031 [email protected] PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION ‘PARTICLE FALLS’ WILL REVEAL CHARLOTTE’S INVISIBLE AIR POLLUTION, BEGINNING FEBRUARY 28 Note to Editors: Media interested in attending the private opening night reception of Particle Falls should contact Andrew Whelan regarding opportunities for advance photos and...

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