What We Do

Solutions to air pollution and the climate crisis already exist, and can have immediate health benefits for our communities. Through action, education, and innovative partnerships, CleanAIRE NC is working to ensure everyone has access to clean air and a livable climate.

Get Involved

You can make a difference. Your voice and even small day-to-day actions have the power to turn our shared goals into on-the-ground solutions. Together, we can build a cleaner North Carolina with healthy, thriving communities. Join the movement, and learn how you can get involved today.

Join our advocacy network and receive issue updates, action alerts, events info, and more.

Our Impact

doctors, nurses, and other health professionals in our Health Network
North Carolina Climate Ambassadors trained
air sensors placed in North Carolina
percent reduction in VOC emissions at Enviva’s Richmond County wood pellet plant

Upcoming Events

yoga class

Free Bilingual Community Yoga

9:30 am - 10:30 amPatagonia Charlotte

Martin Luther King Jr Day Cleanup

10:00 am - 12:00 pmCharlotte