Once the Strategic Energy Action Plan was adopted unanimously by the Charlotte City Council, CMCL members participated in four external content groups: Energy Generation, Workforce Development, Buildings, and Transportation, to create and support strategies that would help the city meet its community-wide goal of becoming a low carbon city by 2050, spanning all sectors, to bring city-wide greenhouse gas emissions to below 2 tons CO2e per person annually. CMCL regularly communicates with Charlotte sustainability staff to request information and offer support.
In May 2021, CMCL hosted the Greening Our Faith Communities Summit to engage the faith community in creation care and climate justice work. The coalition also created the NC Climate Ambassadors, a partnership with ecoAmerica’s Path to Positive Communities. Originally the training was provided by CMCL leaders on Zoom but ecoAmerica now offers the on-line training to equip community leaders with the knowledge, hands-on experience, and resources to speak and take action in their communities.