The Research Triangle Environmental Health Collaborative will hold its 2024 Summit, “Transitioning to a Net-zero Energy Future in North Carolina: Equity, Environmental, and Economic Considerations” on February 5 & 6, 2024 at the NC Biotech Center in RTP, NC. The Summit will consider NC’s zero-carbon future and implications for environmental health with discussions in three topic areas: 1) Energy/Power, 2) Building, Agriculture/Forestry/Wood Pellet, and 3) Transportation.
Learn more and register here:
Additional partners for this summit include US EPA, NIEHS, Duke, NC State, UNC-Chapel Hill, NC DEQ, NC Commerce, and RTI International. Attendees will include stakeholders, thought leaders, and experts representing state/federal/local governments, academia/research, community groups, and businesses across North Carolina.
Goals of the Summit include understanding the opportunities and challenges in NC from a transition to a net-zero CO2 future, developing a framework for characterizing the full positive and negative consequences (with an emphasis on impacts on rural and urban underserved communities), identifying the “low hanging fruit” net zero investments, and helping identify gaps in data and scientific understanding.