We’ve partnered with N.C. DEQ and Duke University to expand NC BREATHE to two days, allowing us to delve deeper into important environmental health issues.
North Carolina’s premier conference on climate change and health returns to connect science to practice. Explore the connection between air quality, climate change, and health equity through conversations with community leaders, health professionals, and policymakers. Learn how communities are finding innovative solutions and advocating for clean air and healthy environments for all. This conference is your chance to connect, gain knowledge, and make a real difference.
Environmental PFAS and Human Health in 2024
Tuesday, October 1 | 9AM – 5PM
A dedicated focus on PFAS with discussions, presentations, and a roundtable forum on this emerging environmental threat.
It Takes a Village — Advancing Environmental Health
and Human Well-Being
Wednesday, October 2 | 8:30AM – 5PM
Explore the links between air quality, climate change, and human health through conversations with community leaders, health professionals, researchers, and policymakers.
General Admission for Day 1: $50; Early Bird Admission for Day 2: $150. Students and Frontline Community Members price for both days: $50.
Price includes breakfast, lunch, and snacks.
Early Bird rates end September 8, 2024.
For-profit $500
Nonprofit $350
Interested in sponsoring North Carolina’s premier climate and health conference? Check out our sponsorship packet and contact our Partnership Manager, Madison Fragnito, for more information at [email protected].