
by Pamela Grundy and Andrew Whelan As part of our ongoing effort to make air pollution visible, Clean Air Carolina has built and maintained dozens of ozone gardens at schools and other venues through our Clean Air for Kids program. Last week, we brought our campaign right to the steps of the governor’s mansion. On...
by Daniel Parkhurst This month Clean Air Carolina, represented by the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) and the Environmental Integrity Project (EIP), won a settlement with Enviva Hamlet and the NC Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) that will result in a 95% reduction in dangerous emissions from a key unit at the Enviva Hamlet facility....
by Andrew Whelan For most people the connection between health and air pollution is easy to grasp. But what about health and climate change? “When we think of climate change, we don’t often think about how it affects children and adults with respiratory issues,” says Candace Cahoon of Vidant Roanoke-Chowan Hospital. Candace Cahoon is a...
Environmental Justice Warren County
By Pamela Grundy and Calvin Cupini Environmental justice is the watchword of the day. The world is warming, and communities across the globe are organizing to address widespread environmental damage. The convergence of politics, economic power and racism means that pollution disproportionately affects the world’s most vulnerable communities. Environmental justice efforts target the root causes...
By Miles O’Brien In a recent Op-Ed, environmental engineer Jason West implored the media to make the connection between intensifying storms and climate change. I couldn’t agree more. Just talking about the devastation of Hurricane Florence is not enough. It is important to put it in context: we must prepare for this kind of storm...
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